
Propagation Planning

Planning is a good way to begin and by actually looking back before you've even started, this is best described as an audit or review. How did your garden perform in recent years, did you keep a diary? what worked, what didn't? was there a special tool that you used? which part of the garden got the most sun? did your lettuces bolt, perhaps plant them in semi shade this year. The more information you start off with the more likely you are to succeed when deciding what to plant and where. A good example in recent weeks is the amount of rain we have had, measuring, recording and comparing it all helps.
Although it's not the sexist or most rewarding part of the process by planning you will reap the rewards when it comes to harvest, you'll have enough to share & swap with family and friends or to pickle and preserve later on.
Planning pointers..
  • Evaluate your garden, is it sunny or shady & make a plan
  • Perhaps you want to follow the moon cycles - follow our monthly lunar posts & emails
  • Seed v Seedlings are you time poor? which suits you best?
  • New to seed sowing? Look out for easy to grow seeds such as peas, carrots, radish & salads 
  • If you haven't already, order your seed catalogues, start browsing online or perhaps plan with a friend and share the cost.
  • Yes there will be speed bumps & sowing failures - but doing is learning so just start - :-) 
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